Hi. I’m Amy.
I started my career in public health and nutrition science (what can I say? I love learning!) but after a few years on the job, I discovered I loved telling stories about data more than crunching it. Any time I had to write a report—playing with words, crafting witty analogies, and coining phrases—I was like a kid with a bucket of Legos attempting to construct a masterpiece. I took my research skills and natural curiosity and built a thriving freelance business, writing articles for publications and organizations that help people lead healthier, happier lives.
Early in my 20-year career, I developed a passion for writing personal essays drawn from my life experiences. I’ve sold stories about everything from health scares to dating disasters to falling in love with a widower while wondering how I could ever measure up to his late wife. Spoiler alert: I married that widower and have written about watching his epic toy collection grow alongside our three sons. You can read more of these exposés here.
Over the years, I have learned how to cultivate relationships with editors, stay abreast of markets that publish essays, and craft a pitch that demands attention. This accumulated experience led me to teach the art of essay writing to aspiring and experienced writers through intimate classes and one-on-one coaching.
Like many of my favorite authors, I write to understand what I’m thinking, to make sense of my life, and find meaning. So naturally, when I approached the half-century mark, I began work on my first memoir.